A case history:
Jane (name changed, yadda..), a valued employee of a leading local business institution, came to see me about pain that had progressively developed in her lower back over the past year. There was no particular event to account for her discomfort, yet by the end of a work week, she was very happy for the weekend to get some relief. This was an important clue. Through insightful discussion, I understood that Jane spent a good deal of her job seated at her desk and working with a computer. I asked Jane to demonstrate her work posture and it became evident that her habits at work put excessive strain on her back… over time, the strain was developing into a chronic injury. We discussed modifications Jane could make to her desk, chair and computer arrangement… she found and liberated a better chair from an absent coworker. Jane found to her delight, that with chiropractic treatment, a better chair and new work habits to prevent ongoing injury, she was no longer worn ragged by week’s end.
Soon, Jane’s coworker would return to work … and would likely miss her chair. I outlined, in a letter to the employer, why it would be advantageous to replace Jane’s office chair… after all …a healthy worker is a happier worker and a happier worker tends to be more productive. The employer accepted my explanation and after exploring around the office, found that most of the desk chairs were the same type as Jane’s. Many of the other office workers were developing similar back problems! Apparently, when the office was furnished, most attention had been given to colour patterns and less to the functional needs of the worker. Chairs intended for the waiting room were being used as desk chairs… ouch!
I applaud the employer who, in this case, values the comfort and health of its workers and at last report, was ordering proper chairs for all concerned.
Many people get by on pain relieving medication. Certainly this has its place. Yet to really treat an injury successfully, one must understand and correct the hurt at its source … not just cover it up.
Your friendly neighbourhood chiropractor, Dr. Wayne Coghlan.
Jane (name changed, yadda..), a valued employee of a leading local business institution, came to see me about pain that had progressively developed in her lower back over the past year. There was no particular event to account for her discomfort, yet by the end of a work week, she was very happy for the weekend to get some relief. This was an important clue. Through insightful discussion, I understood that Jane spent a good deal of her job seated at her desk and working with a computer. I asked Jane to demonstrate her work posture and it became evident that her habits at work put excessive strain on her back… over time, the strain was developing into a chronic injury. We discussed modifications Jane could make to her desk, chair and computer arrangement… she found and liberated a better chair from an absent coworker. Jane found to her delight, that with chiropractic treatment, a better chair and new work habits to prevent ongoing injury, she was no longer worn ragged by week’s end.
Soon, Jane’s coworker would return to work … and would likely miss her chair. I outlined, in a letter to the employer, why it would be advantageous to replace Jane’s office chair… after all …a healthy worker is a happier worker and a happier worker tends to be more productive. The employer accepted my explanation and after exploring around the office, found that most of the desk chairs were the same type as Jane’s. Many of the other office workers were developing similar back problems! Apparently, when the office was furnished, most attention had been given to colour patterns and less to the functional needs of the worker. Chairs intended for the waiting room were being used as desk chairs… ouch!
I applaud the employer who, in this case, values the comfort and health of its workers and at last report, was ordering proper chairs for all concerned.
Many people get by on pain relieving medication. Certainly this has its place. Yet to really treat an injury successfully, one must understand and correct the hurt at its source … not just cover it up.
Your friendly neighbourhood chiropractor, Dr. Wayne Coghlan.