Fridge magnets. We have new fridge magnets in production and coming soon to you. Magnetic therapy – sticking magnets on your body to promote health is all the rage!!! Not wanting to miss the band wagon – I have enclosed our official Collingwood Chiropractic & Sports Injuries Clinic fridge magnet for you. The health benefits are as follows. - Improves memory! By placing the magnet in a conspicuous location on the fridge it can remind you of your next appointment – a definite health benefit!!! - Improved conversation and social opportunities! When friends and family come to call – tell them about the colourful magnet now on your refrigerator and why going to the chiropractor – that’s me – would be good for them too! If you do have more than one magnet – you can share it with your buddies. They’ll love you for your generosity! These magnets are so powerful they work even when you place them on your refrigerator – try taping them to your forehead and see how much better you reme...
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