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Showing posts with the label Sleep Better

Sleep Better: A Psycho-Chiropractor's Perspective

Sleep Better: A Psycho-Chiropractor's Perspective Sleep better? Dr. Wayne Coghlan - Psycho-Chiropractor at your service. This article is for information only. If long term sleep deprivation is your concern consult a health professional.   See Note 3 - Effects of long term sleep deprivation. We all have times when adequate sleep seems to elude us.  Persistent lack of sleep - beyond several weeks at a time - produces fatigue, depression, confusion, impaired short-term memory, concentration and alertness. Long term lack of sleep impairs your ability to fight off disease and repair tissue. Persistent lack of sleep - beyond several weeks at a time - produces fatigue, depression, confusion, impaired short-term memory, concentration and alertness. Long term lack of sleep impairs your ability to fight off disease and repair tissue.                  ...

Sleep Better

Sleep Better Sleep Better - Some suggestions We all have times when adequate sleep seems to elude us.   For the most part, these episodes are a short lived part of the normal cycles of life. * Persistent lack of sleep - beyond several weeks at a time - produces fatigue, depression, confusion, impaired short-term memory, concentration and alertness. Long term lack of sleep impairs your ability to fight off disease and repair tissue. Effects of chronic sleep deprivation Your proper sleep pattern is what works for you. There are documented cases of people who get by very well with only a few hours of sleep yet others who feel their best with ten! People in many tropical countries find it very necessary to enjoy their mid-day ciesta. If you are reasonably well rested through your day and able to function well, lack of sleep is not necessarily your problem. Your habits - both what you think and do - can cause many chronic sleep problems.   Sleep ...