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Showing posts with the label depression

Is good posture worth a year’s supply of prozac?

Posture vs: Prozac In this article, I am comparing the effects of improved posture on relieving a mild to moderately depressed mood, a condition that may otherwise be medically managed by pharmaceuticals such as Prozac. This is for reader's information and not intended as a guide to treatment.   Respectfully submitted for your evaluation. As you are sitting now at your computer station, allow yourself to slump in your chair… if you aren’t already. Computer Posture Give it a minute or so to give it time to sink in. Answer a few more emails if you wish. As you are now sitting slumped, take notice of how you feel in your chest….try taking a deep breath. You will likely be feeling constricted and the deep breath will be less than satisfying. Notice the feeling in your shoulders, the heaviness in your arms.. .. perhaps tension or fatigue in the back of your neck.... that load in your neck and shoulders get transferred to the lower back and add...