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Showing posts with the label Weight control

Some good advice for the diet and weight control perplexed.

Some good advice for the diet and weight control perplexed. Leslie Beck Published on Tuesday, Dec. 29, 2009 7:02PM EST Last updated on Wednesday, Dec. 30, 2009 2:04AM EST It's resolution time again and for many of us losing weight, eating better and exercising more top the list. Now comes the hard part – keeping those promises throughout the year. While it's not hard to stick to your resolutions for the first month, research shows that many people lose steam by February and half break their commitment by June. The problem: unrealistic expectations. Too often people commit to making too many changes at once, something that's incredibly hard to do considering habits seem to be hardwired in our brain. Others view New Year's resolutions as an “all-or-nothing” endeavour. They pat themselves on the back for being really “good” when they're eating well and hitting the gym regularly. But then, the slightest slip can bring on feelings of guilt, making it tough to...

HIgh Carbohdrate Diet and Weight Loss

Dr. Wayne's Summary: Of interest in this article is the comparison between high and low carb diets and weight loss. A review of low carb diets reveals that weight loss is less about engaging some metabolic short cut, but more about cutting out junk carbohydrates. In effect... eating less. When reviewing high carb diets, the same conclusion emerges. Eat less simple/junk carbohydrates, and one just generally eats less overall! The superiority of eating a diet higher in complex carbohydrates over a high protein diet is the inherent inclusion of dietary fiber, and the exclusion of animal fats. The Glycemic Index is emerging as a valuable tool in deciding what to eat... choose foods that have less impact on blood sugar. Overall guidance : Eat more fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grain. Eat less meat, dairy, egg, and processed foods. Drink more water. Be more physically active. It's that simple. In the post-Atkins era, this might seem like strange advice: Eat carbohydr...