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Showing posts with the label Psycho-Chiropractor

Sleep Better: A Psycho-Chiropractor's Perspective

Sleep Better: A Psycho-Chiropractor's Perspective Sleep better? Dr. Wayne Coghlan - Psycho-Chiropractor at your service. This article is for information only. If long term sleep deprivation is your concern consult a health professional.   See Note 3 - Effects of long term sleep deprivation. We all have times when adequate sleep seems to elude us.  Persistent lack of sleep - beyond several weeks at a time - produces fatigue, depression, confusion, impaired short-term memory, concentration and alertness. Long term lack of sleep impairs your ability to fight off disease and repair tissue. Persistent lack of sleep - beyond several weeks at a time - produces fatigue, depression, confusion, impaired short-term memory, concentration and alertness. Long term lack of sleep impairs your ability to fight off disease and repair tissue.                  ...