http:// From: Alex Hutchinson. Globe and Mail, May 22, 2009. A lex Hutchinson draws on the latest research to answer your fitness and workout questions in this biweekly column on the science of sport. The question What type of exercise is best for maintaining strong bones? The answer The key word here is "maintain," as 95 per cent of your mature skeleton is already in place by the age of 17 for girls and 19 for boys. Once you reach adulthood, it's basically one long fight against the slow but inexorable loss of bone strength - and the key to that fight, many of us assume, is weight-bearing activities. But the latest research shows that resistance-training exercises like lifting weights can also play a crucial role in bone health - and in some cases are even more effective than weight-bearing activities such as elliptical training. "Over the past decade, people have realized that bone is more dynamic than we thought. It's actually a pretty ...
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