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Showing posts with the label sugar vs. aspartame


Dear Reader: I've had several conversations with people that have started off something like..."What is healthier, regular (sugar) pop, or pop with aspartame?" The question is dumb ass really, because the premise is one or the other is healthy. Unless one is near starvation, and desperately in need of the sugar boost, neither product is healthy. The question then ought to be, "Which is less unhealthy?" The basic argument is that sugar is natural and aspartame is artificial and inherently more toxic. The basic reply is that if we consumed teaspoon for teaspoon sugar and aspartame, aspartame may well be toxic beyond what the body can compensate for. However, only a lab rat or a person with pathological intent would do such a thing. A person drinking diet pop consumes ~140 milligrams of aspartame, which the body can easily contend with, compared with the tables spoons of sugar in the same amount of beverage. Which then is more toxic to the body, aspartame o...

The Evils of Sugar!

Is Sugar Really Toxic? Sifting through the Evidence From Scientific American By Ferris Jabr  | July 15, 2013 |  Credit: Lauri Andler (Phantom), via Wikimedia Commons Our very first experience of exceptional sweetness—a dollop of buttercream frosting on a parent’s finger; a spoonful of strawberry ice cream instead of the usual puréed carrots—is a gustatory revelation that generally slips into the lacuna of early childhood. Sometimes, however, the moment of original sweetness is preserved. A YouTube video from February 2011 begins with baby Olivia staring at the camera, her face fixed in rapture and a trickle of vanilla ice cream on her cheek. When her brother...