Living younger, longer. McLean’s magazine reported in their October 29, 2001 edition some interesting information regarding health and life expectancy for men and women in the south Georgian Bay area. Life expectancy at birth for men and women is 76 and 81 years respectively. Of those years, men can expect to live disability free until age 65 and women age 68. At age 65, because one has dodged accidents and illness, life expectancy has increased. Men can expect to live another 16.9 years, and women another 20.6. Of those years, men can expect to enjoy living disability free for some 10.7 years and women, 11.7 years. This means that at age 65 a woman can expect – all things being equal – to live another 20.6 years to age 85.6 and expect an able bodied life for 76.7 years of it! It’s great that we are enjoying longer lives and more of it active and well. Yet, to quote from the magazine: “It’s a sobering reminder that, while life expectancies have been growing, Canadians, on average,...
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