Re-new -- Re-store -- Re-create ---- YOURSELF! It has been my observation that many of the ills that modern people experience stem from neglecting to do the basic things. We get sloppy in our nutrition then depend on micromanaging our supplements to manage a myriad of bugaboos. We neglect exercise then suffer the ill effects of obesity. We get too consumed by the business of life to the point it’s an addiction …we don’t allow ourselves time even to sleep... then wonder why we are so stressed. From both my chiropractic and counselling perspective, most of our ills would resolve by just doing the basic things – eat a wholesome diet (more fruits, veggies, whole grains; less meat, dairy, and egg); alcohol - if at all - in moderation; invigorating exercise; stimulating/satisfying work; quality sleep and adequate rest; time to reflect; live within one’s means; separate material wants from needs; be involved in something greater than one’s self. Along that line I o...
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