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Showing posts with the label Obesity

Toward more effective social management of Obesity, Diabetes 2, Diabesity

Dear Reader: During my service as board director for the South Georgian Bay Community Health Centre, I was introduced, essentially as a random yet timely occurrence, to Dr. Mark Hyman’s presentation on about utilizing social networking to combat “diabesity.” presentation by Mark Hyman, published on Jun 19, 2012 Unhealthy lifestyles have brought on a social epidemic of "diabesity," says author Mark Hyman, and community-driven solutions may be the only way out. Basic concepts Obesity is a major health concern and is the leading cause of preventable adult onset morbidity and untimely mortality. Degenerative arthritis of the load bearing joints, Cardiovascular Kidney Some cancers Diabetes type 2. Diabetes 2 is a major health concern on its own, and   makes everything else worse. 70% of the prevention and management of diabetes 2 may come down to managing obesity. Targeting th...