Divided Sleep Theory
There is an idea gaining traction that our modern idea of eight or so hours of uninterrupted sleep is more an unnatural accommodation to the demands of commerce.Segment / Divided Sleep Theory |
During the full moon, people would be more active doing chores, visiting with neighbours, maybe pillaging. Perhaps this is the root of the perception that behaviours become more extreme during the time of the full moon.
As most people worked near their home farming or cottage industries, it was convenient to have a mid-day nap.
In many countries not governed by the demands of Western commerce, this pattern of sleep continues. In such cultures, sleep is supplemented by a mid-day nap or siesta.
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Siesta |
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Siesta |
Broken sleep may be nature's way. |
Mid-day naps may be nature's way. |
I suppose that if you have trouble fitting into the industrial time clock, instead of taking medications and fretting, try adjusting your sleep patterns to be more in harmony with nature, rather than trying to change millions of year of evolution to fit 200 years of commerce.
Of course this may necessitate an early bed time at the expense of watching the nightly news and late show.
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Sleep well |
Stress and pain can often interfere with restful sleep. With a unique combination of body treatment and mind treatment skills, I may be able to find your way through.
Do consider seeing me for a complimentary consultation.
Dr. Wayne Coghlan: Chiropractor / Counselling Psychology
Mississauga, Ontario.
Email me at drwaynecoghlan@gmail.com
Please visit my website drwaynecoghlan.com
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Dr. Wayne Coghlan |