The fun of corsets.
Source: Jan 09/09.
".... "The corset is a vilified article of clothing. It was and is blamed for a host of feminine miseries, both physical and spiritual, for ruining women's bodies and for closing their minds. It is interesting to note, however, that while women wore them, it was male doctors who led the campaign against the corset. Most women were for it. ... Wearing a corset is a little like finding oneself in a permanent embrace, a hug around the middle that goes on and on. This is pleasant and vaguely erotic - a squeeze that lasts."
Corsets also provided a degree of stability to the lower back and forced the lady to attend to better posture. It had to.. it was too uncomfortable to slump or bend over at the waist. We find a comparable device with industrial back supports (see picture).
These devices became popular through the 90's when they were touted as being preventative for low back injuries. Several large corporations (Home Depot) purchased the devices for their labour employees, only to find that back injuries increased!
Analysis suggests that the workers neglected safe lifting and back hygiene habits, expecting the belts would support and do the work for them.
Such devices can be helpful as an assist. That is, they do provide some support, but not enough to make up for neglect. They work best by acting a reminder for the wearer to stand up tall and hold their stomachs flat. They are also uncomfortable if the wearer bends over too much at the waist instead of using the legs. And that is the tie in to the bit about Victorian corsets. The ladies had to bend at the knees because the could not bend over at the waist.
I am not advocating the use of corsets for health reasons. And while back supports have their place, the best preventative is to use one's own abdominal and inner core muscles to support the back.
Please note that I can tell you about this, but I can't do it for you. It can save you much pain and help keep you younger longer, and does not cost a cent.. but for it to work.. you have to take ownership of it and just do it... persistently.
Stand tall and pull up your belly and raise your chest ... as if a hot guy/girl just walked into the room. Hole this position and every time you catch yourself slumping.. pull yourself up.
Next, imagine that you are trying to stop yourself from urinating.. tighten the muscles below your bladder... continue to tighten the muscles into your pelvis.. and continue to tighten the muscles into your abdomen. Every time you catch yourself sagging internally.. pull it up!
It is really that simple but also that hard, because it takes some conscious effort to do this. Eventually, as you get used to this, it feels more natural and takes less effort to hold yourself. In fact, if you do let yourself sag, it will feel sloppy. Personally, I enjoy feeling better and the effort it takes to stand taller is well worth it!
Take a look at the photo below.. what do you notice?
Source: Jan 09/09.
".... "The corset is a vilified article of clothing. It was and is blamed for a host of feminine miseries, both physical and spiritual, for ruining women's bodies and for closing their minds. It is interesting to note, however, that while women wore them, it was male doctors who led the campaign against the corset. Most women were for it. ... Wearing a corset is a little like finding oneself in a permanent embrace, a hug around the middle that goes on and on. This is pleasant and vaguely erotic - a squeeze that lasts."
Corsets also provided a degree of stability to the lower back and forced the lady to attend to better posture. It had to.. it was too uncomfortable to slump or bend over at the waist. We find a comparable device with industrial back supports (see picture).
These devices became popular through the 90's when they were touted as being preventative for low back injuries. Several large corporations (Home Depot) purchased the devices for their labour employees, only to find that back injuries increased!
Analysis suggests that the workers neglected safe lifting and back hygiene habits, expecting the belts would support and do the work for them.
Such devices can be helpful as an assist. That is, they do provide some support, but not enough to make up for neglect. They work best by acting a reminder for the wearer to stand up tall and hold their stomachs flat. They are also uncomfortable if the wearer bends over too much at the waist instead of using the legs. And that is the tie in to the bit about Victorian corsets. The ladies had to bend at the knees because the could not bend over at the waist.
I am not advocating the use of corsets for health reasons. And while back supports have their place, the best preventative is to use one's own abdominal and inner core muscles to support the back.
Please note that I can tell you about this, but I can't do it for you. It can save you much pain and help keep you younger longer, and does not cost a cent.. but for it to work.. you have to take ownership of it and just do it... persistently.
Stand tall and pull up your belly and raise your chest ... as if a hot guy/girl just walked into the room. Hole this position and every time you catch yourself slumping.. pull yourself up.
Next, imagine that you are trying to stop yourself from urinating.. tighten the muscles below your bladder... continue to tighten the muscles into your pelvis.. and continue to tighten the muscles into your abdomen. Every time you catch yourself sagging internally.. pull it up!
It is really that simple but also that hard, because it takes some conscious effort to do this. Eventually, as you get used to this, it feels more natural and takes less effort to hold yourself. In fact, if you do let yourself sag, it will feel sloppy. Personally, I enjoy feeling better and the effort it takes to stand taller is well worth it!
Take a look at the photo below.. what do you notice?