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Lumbar Disc Injury Herniated Disc Bulging Disc Low Back Pain Sciatica

Dr. Wayne Coghlan: Chiropractor Lumbar Disc Injury Herniated Disc Bulging Disc Low Back Pain Sciatica There are several types of injuries and conditions that can cause "Low Back Pain." In this post, I will discuss lumbar disc injuries . What is a lumbar disc?  Lumbar disc and vertebra A lumbar disc is located between each vertebral bone. They are somewhat comparable to a jelly donut with an outer layer of dense fibrous gristle like tissue, and an inner core of soft gel like tissue. They help hold the vertebrae together and allow for flexibility in the spine.  When we are young, the disc is very flexible, strong and resilient.... consider a brand new rubber band or washer from a household faucet...and it takes a lot to injure it.  Degenerated and Bulging Disc As we age the disc material become stiffer, less hydrated, less resistant to wear and injury.... just as the old rubber band or washer becomes dry and brittle. The disc gradually becomes thinne...

Why I love Computers - Tech Neck

How Do I Injure Thee... Let me tally the ways! I love computers... especially laptops. They are good for my business. In the photo above, the person WILL develop neck and shoulder strain, headaches, rotator cuff injury, tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis), wrist strain, carple tunnel syndrome, probably TMJ (Temporal mandibular joint) disorder, fatigue in the legs and possibly sciatica, pain under the knee caps, digestive disorders, emotional fatigue, and degenerative arthritis in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine. If this person is working at a computer occupationally, they will probably be passed over for promotions. A recent article identified that at 60 degrees of forward flexion, there is a resultant compressive force of 60 pounds acting on the cervical spine. Imagine carrying a 60 pound load on your head... because when you slump.... you do! Tech Neck... sooooo good for business!  Mine! If you wish to learn how to work at a computer without it doing a ...

Sleep Better: A Psycho-Chiropractor's Perspective

Sleep Better: A Psycho-Chiropractor's Perspective Sleep better? Dr. Wayne Coghlan - Psycho-Chiropractor at your service. This article is for information only. If long term sleep deprivation is your concern consult a health professional.   See Note 3 - Effects of long term sleep deprivation. We all have times when adequate sleep seems to elude us.  Persistent lack of sleep - beyond several weeks at a time - produces fatigue, depression, confusion, impaired short-term memory, concentration and alertness. Long term lack of sleep impairs your ability to fight off disease and repair tissue. Persistent lack of sleep - beyond several weeks at a time - produces fatigue, depression, confusion, impaired short-term memory, concentration and alertness. Long term lack of sleep impairs your ability to fight off disease and repair tissue.                  ...

Cellulite and focused extracorporeal shockwave therapy for non-invasive body contouring: a randomized trial.

Dr. Wayne Coghlan Acoustic ShockWave Therapy Dermatol Ther (Heidelb). Dec 2013; 3 (2) : 143–155. Published online Dec 3, 2013. doi:  10.1007/s13555-013-0039-5 PMCID: PMC3889306 Cellulite and Focused Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy for Non-Invasive Body Contouring: a Randomized Trial Karsten Knobloch , Beatrice Joest , Robert Krämer , and Peter M. Vogt Author information ► Article notes ► Copyright and License information ► Go to: Abstract Introduction Focused extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) has been demonstrated to improve wound healing and skin regeneration such as in burn wounds and scars. We hypothesized that the combination of focused ESWT and a daily gluteal muscle strength program is superior to SHAM-ESWT and gluteal muscle strength training in moderate to severe cellulite. Methods This was a single-center, double-blinded, randomized-controlled trial. For allocation of participants, a 1:1 ratio randomization was pe...