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Announcement: ACOUSTIC SHOCK WAVE THERAPY ANNOUNCEMENT  “ACOUSTIC SHOCK WAVE THERAPY   – OVER SIX MILLION TREATMENTS PER YR IN 121 COUNTRIES DR. WAYNE COGHLAN of Collingwood has recently joined the thousands of health care professionals worldwide who use  perhaps the most successful pain management technology in history. Shock wave technology emerged in the early eighties, when hosipitals began using a lithotripter used concentrated sound waves to disintegrate kidney stones without invasive surgery. The technology has since been adapted to apply concentrated stimulation to resolve a remarkably wide range of chronic pain issues, including frozen shoulder or calcification, knee issues, tennis elbow, and foot problems. Dr. Wayne Coghlan has served the Collingwood community since 1984. Throughout his profession years, he has advocated using leading edge pain management technology to the benefit of his patients. To assess whether or not y...

Coffee and Your Health

Ask the Expert: Coffee and Health Originally e-published Jun 17 2008 The Expert: Dr. Rob van Dam Assistant Professor in the Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health Link to source The Summary Drinking up to six cups a day of coffee is not associated with increased risk of death from any cause, or death from cancer or cardiovascular disease. Some people may still want to consider avoiding coffee or switching to decaf, especially women who are pregnant,or people who have a hard time controlling their blood pressure or blood sugar. It’s best to brew coffee with a paper filter,to remove a substance that causes increases in LDL cholesterol. Coffee may have potential health benefits, but more research needs to be done. Read more about coffee and tea compared to other beverages. 1. The latest Harvard study on coffee and health seems to offer good news for coffee drinkers. What did the research find? We...

Collingwood Chiropractors Coghlan Testimonial

Testimonial "I am from the west coast and was in the area on vacation when I experienced a recurrence of an injury I had sustained 3 weeks prior to starting my vacation.  On the first visit, Dr. Coghlan was able to correct the misalignment and identify a contributing factor that had gone un-diagnosed by 2 other practitioners.  After the second visit, he was able to free up the rotation of my hips, which had remained locked despite 9 treatments after the initial injury.  By the 3rd visit, I felt 100% better.  Gentle, effective and very thorough - he doesn't miss a thing.  I would recommend Dr. Coghlan without hesitation!" Best regards, Pamela (B) Thanks Pam. Glad to be of service and all the best to you! Dr. Wayne Coghlan. Frequently Asked Questions. Dr. Wayne Coghlan, Collingwood Chiropractor   Vote for us                                     ...

Toward more effective social management of Obesity, Diabetes 2, Diabesity

Dear Reader: During my service as board director for the South Georgian Bay Community Health Centre, I was introduced, essentially as a random yet timely occurrence, to Dr. Mark Hyman’s presentation on about utilizing social networking to combat “diabesity.” presentation by Mark Hyman, published on Jun 19, 2012 Unhealthy lifestyles have brought on a social epidemic of "diabesity," says author Mark Hyman, and community-driven solutions may be the only way out. Basic concepts Obesity is a major health concern and is the leading cause of preventable adult onset morbidity and untimely mortality. Degenerative arthritis of the load bearing joints, Cardiovascular Kidney Some cancers Diabetes type 2. Diabetes 2 is a major health concern on its own, and   makes everything else worse. 70% of the prevention and management of diabetes 2 may come down to managing obesity. Targeting th...